The Decent Man is a short student-film, from Jared's college years.
Premise: Henry was just an ordinary man with an ordinary job on an ordinary day, when he stumbled into an extraordinary place made from his own imagination. With no idea how to get home, Henry meets the people of the land and learns a lot more about what his imagination had created. A danger looms over the native people's very existence, one that only Henry can prevent, and it is up to him to decide just what kind of man he wants to be.
Premise: Henry was just an ordinary man with an ordinary job on an ordinary day, when he stumbled into an extraordinary place made from his own imagination. With no idea how to get home, Henry meets the people of the land and learns a lot more about what his imagination had created. A danger looms over the native people's very existence, one that only Henry can prevent, and it is up to him to decide just what kind of man he wants to be.